Joining UICC

Currently, approximately two hundred leading domestic companies and overseas multi-national companies have joined UICC.


Joining UICC gives companies a direct channel to access Tsinghua’s extensive resources in technology, innovation and talent management. An array of customized services can help companies to realize their objectives in establishing a successful partnership with Tsinghua University. At the same time UICC also provides a platform for economic, technical, and cultural exchanges, as well as collaborations between domestic and overseas industries.


For more information about joining UICC, please contact our UICC Overseas Affairs Officer:


Ms. LYU Lei


Overseas R&D Management Office

1203, Hua Ye Building

Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084

P. R. China


Phone:  +86-10-62781811

Fax:    +86-10-62785467



We welcome the opportunity to meet with you, tell you more about UICC, and moreover to understand your companys goals and discuss with you how you can achieve them by establishing a relationship with Tsinghua University.