Communication Meeting of 16-U Alliance Held in Latin America

June 21-25, the fourth communication meeting for construction of the international cooperation platform of China’s 16-key Chinese University Alliance (16-U Alliance), was held in Latin America. The meeting was organized as sub-meetings of the China – Latin America Technological Innovation and Results Transformation Forum (China – Latin America Forum) and the China – Cuba Technological Cooperation Symposium (China – Cuba Symposium), held respectively in Rio de Janeiro (Jun. 21-22) and Havana (Jun. 24-25). Representatives of the 16-U Alliance, and enterprises home and abroad, as well as from Mexican, Ecuadorian, Brazilian and Cuban colleges attended the meetings.
This communication meeting was hosted by Tsinghua University, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and ICIDCA, and co-organized by the 16-U alliance, COPPE College of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the China – Brazil Center and the China – Latin America Joint Lab for Clean Energy and Climate Change (China – Latin America Lab). Beijing Tus-Clean Energy Co. Ltd. and Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Co. Ltd. also supported the meeting. During the meeting, representatives discussed and shared their experience in inter-college cooperation, and college-industry cooperation, covering topics including climate change issues and transformation of research results, as well as exchanging research progress. The meeting was successful in further deepening the mutual understanding between Chinese and Latin American colleges, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation. During the same period, representatives of the 16-U alliance and other Chinese representatives also participated in the WHEC and WBS conferences held in Rio de Janeiro.