Project Report Meeting of Tsinghua – Mitsubishi Held in Japan

June 21, the project report meeting of the Tsinghua – Mitsubishi Joint Research Center was held in Japan. Tsinghua Vice President Academician You Zheng led a group from Tsinghua to attend the meeting, including Ma Jun, Director of the Overseas R&D Management Office and over twenty leading teachers and students from cooperative projects with the departments of Energy and Power Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering. Over thirty people from Mitsubishi, including Mr. Uchida, Director of the Mitsubishi Research Institute, Senior Consultant Mr. Sunao Aoki, Vice Director Takero Makino, Chief Technician Mr. Takashi Ishide, and leaders of various research teams from the areas of materials, manufacturing, mechanical strength, fluids and vibration, attended the meeting. Team leaders from both sides reported on topics covering project background, technological plans, results and future development plans, as well as answering technological questions. During the meeting, You Zheng and Mr. Uchida attended the management committee meeting, where they listened to reports on projects implementation and future cooperation, and gave critical feedback. The next day, Michisuke Nayama, Vice Director of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, met with the Tsinghua delegation. The leaders of both sides spoke highly of their cooperation over the past fifteen years, and looked forward to expanding the research fields and deepening cooperation with each other.