Tsinghua (Taiwan and Mainland) Technology Forum Held

On Oct. 15, the Tsinghua (Taiwan and Mainland) Technology Forum was held at Suzhou Jinji Lake International Conference Center. Co-supported by Tsinghua University and the Suzhou municipal government, the open forum, with “Innovation, Intelligence, Environmental Protection” as its main topic, attracted around 600 participants from Tsinghua University, National Tsing Hua University, the Suzhou municipal government, and colleges and research institutes within Suzhou, as well as from domestic and transnational enterprises. Participants at the forum enjoyed a vigorous and deep discussion on issues such as artificial intelligence, environmental technology, industry-college-research collaboration, and the transformation of technological results.
Turning the Forum into an Academic Brand
Tsinghua University and National Tsing Hua University have always had a natural closeness with each other because of their common roots. Since 2007, the two universities have taken turns to organize academic forums in mainland China and in Taiwan. Over the past ten years, based on these forums, the two colleges have initiated a number of research cooperation projects, co-built joint labs, and set up “dual degree” programs for students, while at the same time expanding the range of cooperation between the two universities.
Based on its advanced and innovative technological capability, Tsinghua University also plays an active role in promoting the communication and collaboration between mainland China and Taiwan in science and culture by bringing in local resources, attracting the cooperation of renowned domestic and overseas enterprises, and building a high-level platform for industry-university-research cooperation and for the transformation of technological results. With the continued effort of both universities, the forum has gradually become an academic brand.
Focusing on Cutting-Edge Theoretical and Practical Problems
The Tsinghua (Mainland and Taiwan) Technology Forum has always focused on global hot issues and on sustainable development. Accordingly, this year the forum was based on two major topics, namely artificial intelligence and environmental technology, and was opened to a wide range of participants.
During his keynote presentation, Academician Wu Cheng from Tsinghua University gave a report on “Intelligent manufacture in the new generation of artificial intelligence”, in which he discussed the possibilities for intelligent manufacture made possible by the development of new generation of artificial intelligence systems. Prof. Wu Chengwen from National Tsing Hua University gave a report entitled “Artificial intelligence: software or hardware”, in which he analyzed the effects of software and hardware on artificial intelligence.
The opening presentations were followed by individual sessions on artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacture, artificial intelligence and intelligent vehicles, environmental technology, and industry-college-research, in which 80 scholars and enterprise representatives gave 60 reports. Topics covered in the talks included in-depth learning, man-machine conversation, automatic drives, source tracing of water pollution, and technology transfer systems. The work presented was not only cutting-edge, but was also focused on societal needs, with full consideration for the transformation and application of technological results.
In the sessions on artificial intelligence and intelligent vehicles, and on environmental technology, Prof. Cheng Bo from Tsinghua’s Department of Automotive Engineering and Associate Research Fellow Wu Jing from the School of Environment shared their research with colleagues from National Tsing Hua University. The meeting provided an opportunity for both sides to learn about the results and research focus of each side, and moreover to highlight possibilities for further enhancing cooperation. Zeng Fangen, Dean of the Scientific R&D Office, National Tsing Hua University, pointed out that Tsinghua and Tsing Hua are representative universities in mainland China and Taiwan, and that the forum has great significance by providing an opportunity for both sides to explore further cooperation in research areas of current global interest.
Enhancing Local-College Technological Cooperation
The year 2017 marks the twelfth year of Tsinghua University’s cooperative partnership with the Suzhou municipal government. Based on previous cooperation, as well as on experience from the exploratory technological transfer modes of the Tsinghua Suzhou Automobile Research Institute and the Tsinghua Suzhou Environmental Innovation Research Institute, the forum moved beyond a pure framework for academic communication by the addition of an industry-university-research roundtable meeting, supported by the Suzhou Bureau of Science and Technology. During the meeting invited representatives from Tsinghua University and UICC member enterprises discussed the policy modes and practice of industry-university-research cooperation, as well as issues related to technology transfer in the era of globalization.
Outside the forum, Tsinghua University set up a special stand to exhibit its latest major research results, as well as to promote the results of the “Suzhou – Tsinghua Leading Innovation Project”.