Annual Meeting of Tsinghua University – University of New South Wales Held

On Dec. 1, 2017, the annual exchange meeting of the Tsinghua University – University of New South Wales International Technological Cooperation in Independent Scientific Research was held at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Deng Ning, Deputy Director of Tsinghua’s Office of Scientific R&D, Lu Xiaojun, Vice Director of the Overseas R&D Management Office, and over 20 faculty and student representatives involved in the cooperation project attended the meeting. At the meeting, the University of New South Wales’ Vice President Brian Boyle welcomed the Tsinghua delegation, and spoke highly of the deep research cooperation and talent communication between the two universities. Deng Ning expressed his gratitude for the University of New South Wales’ active engagement in the cooperation on behalf of Tsinghua University, and introduced the results of the present cooperation. Afterwards, the 11 project teams involved in the phase-I cooperation gave a joint report on the progress of the cooperative projects. After the exchange meeting, the representatives visited the Mark Wainwright Analysis Center and the photovoltaic research demonstration facilities at the University of New South Wales.
The Tsinghua University – University of New South Wales International Technological Cooperation in Independent Scientific Research special project was started in 2016. So far 11 joint research projects have been initiated, in areas covering the environment, life medicine, chemical engineering and solar energy. The two universities signed the agreement for phase-II cooperation in November 2017, where they agreed to carry out further cooperation in fields such as business, law, smart cities and advanced manufacturing.
