2017 Tsinghua-Rohm International Forum for industry and academia

May 19, 2017 the Tsinghua-Rohm International Forum for industry and academia (the 8th TRIFIA) was held in the Rohm Building. Tsinghua Vice President Wang Xiqin gave a speech in which he reviewed the strategic cooperative relationship between Tsinghua and Rohm, and introduced developments and achievements in the Department of Electrical Engineering, as well as in Tsinghua University, in the past year. Rohm’s China President, Zhang Ju, also gave a speech at the forum. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Liu Ming, and Microsoft’s chief researcher Liu Tieyan both gave plenary reports. The conference involved a deep discussion of areas related to the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), covering aspects such as academia, technology, and industry. The forum also provided an opportunity to exhibit and introduce Rohm’s power electronics, including various charging technologies, as well as the design strategy for white household appliances and the latest trends and technology for IoT sensors.

