Tsinghua-P&G Technical Seminar

May 16, A Tsinghua-P&G technical seminar, co-organized by the Overseas R&D Management Office of Tsinghua University and by P&G, was held at the P&G Beijing Innovation Center. Wang Xiaoli, Director of Innovation for P&G in Greater China, chaired the seminar. Eric Liu, CEO of P&G Technologies (Beijing) and Ma Jun, Director of the Overseas Project Department in Office of Scientific R&D at Tsinghua University, both gave opening speeches at the seminar.
A total of 12 professors from Tsinghua University took part in the meeting, including participants from the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Department of Chemistry, the School of Materials Science and Engineering, the Department of Computer Science, the School of Aerospace Engineering, the Department of Industrial Engineering and the Department of Social Science, as well as members of the R&D team at P&G. The meeting consisted of technical reports, a free discussion session, and a laboratory tour. Targeted at specific technical demands highlighted by P&G, professors from Tsinghua University introduced their research fields as well as their latest progress in relevant research areas. During the free discussion session, technicians from P&G and Tsinghua faculty engaged in fruitful in-depth discussions of areas of common interest. At the meeting, the professors from Tsinghua university were also given a guided tour of the P&G laboratories for analysis, packaging, and oral care. The seminar was deemed by all as a success and helped to establish new contacts between Tsinghua faculty and P&G research personnel, laying a great foundation for further technical cooperation between the two institutions in a range of fields.

[update: 2016-05]