2016 Tsinghua –EMBL Forum on Advanced Biotechnology Technology

The 2016 Tsinghua - EMBL Forum on Advanced Biotechnology Technology “(THE-FAB’2016)” was held on May 16th and 17th in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University. This forumwas co-organized by Tsinghua University and the European Molecular Biology (EMBL) research center, and supported by the XIN center. The Deputy Director of the Institute of Biochemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University, Professor Xin Hui Xing, presided over the symposium. Seven foreign delegates and more than ten experts from Tsinghua University participated in the forum.
The forum was aimed at promoting exchange and cooperation in both scientific research and technology development between Tsinghua University and the EMBL. The scope of THE-FAB’2016 forum covered academic research and technology transfer in pioneering biological technologies from biomolecules to cellular systems. Based on a spirit of cooperation, and the win-win principle in long-term cooperation relationships, the forum provided an excellent opportunity for mutual exchange of ideas related to technology transfer based on basic research carried out by both sides. 

Vice-president of Tsinghua University, Professor Yigong Shi, was invited to attend the forum and gave the opening speech at the meeting, in which he introduced the rich history and rapid progress in biological sciences, as well as developments in the internationalization of Tsinghua University. Dr. Silke Schumacher from the International Relations Institute of EMBL gave an introduction to the EBML, and  Dr. Xiaojun Lu from the Tsinghua XIN Center discussed proposals for future cooperation between Tsinghua University and EMBL.

Prof. Xinhui Xing from the Department Chemical Engineering, Prof. Guoqiang Chen from the Department of Biology, Prof. Zhang Qiwei, Director of the Center for Synthetic and Systems Biology, Profs. Zhijie Chang and Ye Xiang from the School of Medicine, Prof. Yanmei Li from the Department of Chemistry all presented reports at the meeting, as well as experts from EMBL including Dr. Matthias Wilmanns, Dr. Rob Meijers, Dr. Henning Hermjakob, Dr. Charles E. Cook, and Dr. Jurgen Bauer. Faculty members and students from Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute also participated at the meeting, engaging in active communication with experts from both Tsinghua University and EMBL.

The forum, which was highly appraised by both the domestic and foreign delegates, provided a valuable opportunity to strengthen the mutual communication and understanding between Tsinghua University and EMBL, and has helped to lay a solid foundation for future developments in the long term cooperation relationship between the two institutions.
[update: 2016-05]