201203-2011 UICC Annual Meeting Held

On January 13 the 2011 UICC annual meeting was held at the International Conference Center of the Tsinghua University Science park (TusPark).
Representatives from 23 UICC overseas member companies, including Toyota, UTC, GM, Siemens, P&G, Intel, MHI, Boeing, Veolia, Toshiba and Hitachi, as well as representatives from Tsinghua industrial partners participated in the conference, which was also attended by UICC advisers from Tsinghua faculty and administrative departments.
Kang Kejun, Vice President of Tsinghua University and Chairman of the UICC, gave a welcome speech in which he expressed his heartfelt thanks to the overseas members and the UICC advisers for their support to the UICC in 2011. At the same time he also expressed his wish that Tsinghua University and its partner companies could develop more substantive cooperation and build up closer partnerships by making full use of the UICC platform in 2012.
Ma Jun, Deputy Secretary-General of the UICC, made a working report on activities organized by the UICC in R&D cooperation, talent training and academic exchange.
At the meeting, Kang Kejun presented awards to companies and individuals in thanks for their great contribution to the University-Industry cooperation in 2011.
Professor Yu Gang from the School of Environment, Professor Zhao Zhengming from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and Professor Cai Jun from the Academy of Art & Design were invited to deliver keynote speeches on the research and development on environmental protection, smart grid systems and industrial design. In their impressive speeches they draw an outline of the research development and achievements of Tsinghua University in each of these areas.
Since its establishment in 1995, the UICC has been committed to promoting collaboration between Tsinghua University and companies. Up to now, 40 international companies have joined the UICC, and have set up partnerships with Tsinghua University through various cooperative models, such as the establishment of joint research institutions, provision of research funding, and setting up industry-university-research offices. The university-industry cooperation has not only resulted in many research achievements with great applicable value, but has also both raised the international academic influence of Tsinghua University, and helped to expand students’ horizons to assist them in developing a global vision.