201112-Vice President Yuan Si Met Academician From P&G

On Dec. 7, Tsinghua Vice President Mr. Yuan Si met with Mr. Matthias Schmidt, Academician of P&G and his group. They listened to the report of the operative cooperative projects, and exchanged opinions about expanding collaboration. Afterwards, the P&G group visited related labs in School of Information Science and Technology. Officials from Scientific Research Institute Overseas Office and Department of Computer Science and Technology attended the meeting.
As Tsinghua’s strategic partner company, P&G joined UICC in 1996, being one of the earliest overseas members of UICC. In 1999, the P&D Research Fund was established, aiding certain research projects every year. Till now, the fund has supported over 50 scientific R&D projects, involving different fields such as chemical engineering, biotechnology, information, architecture and mechanical manufacturing, etc.