201106-Achievement Report of Tsinghua-Sanyo Joint Research Institute Held

On June 2nd, the achievements report of the Tsinghua (Dept. of Environmental Science and Engineering)-Sanyo (R&D Headquarters) Environmental Engineering Joint Research Center was held in the School of Environment, Tsinghua University. Project investigators Prof. Zhang Pengyi, Huang Xia, and Liu Wenjun of Tsinghua University delivered reports on the progress of the joint research projects, and discussed related technical issues with experts from Sanyo. Takashi Fukunishi, the General Manager of Planning Office, R&D Corporate Headquarters of Sanyo, gave an introduction to the business integration and organizational set-up, and to potential cooperative areas of research, following the merger of Sanyo into the Panasonic Group. Yu Gang, Dean of the School of Environment, and Ma Jun, Director of the Overseas R&D Management Office of Tsinghua, attended the meeting.