201109-Tsinghua-Nokia Joint Laboratory Unveiled

On June 27th the Tsinghua University (Research Institute of Information Technology) – Nokia (Research Center) Joint Laboratory for Mobile Computer Innovative Technology was unveiled during a ceremony at the multifunctional hall of the Future Internet Technology (FIT) Building. The establishment of joint lab marks a significant milestone in bilateral cooperative after the signing of a framework agreement on cooperative research in 2007. Prof. Shi Yuanchun, Director of the joint lab hosted the unveiling ceremony. Mr. Liu Zhen, Director of Nokia Beijing Research Center, Prof. Niu Zhisheng, Deputy Dean of School of Information Science and Technology, Prof. Liu Jun, Director of the Research Institute of Information Technology (RIIT), and experts from Nokia Research Center attended the ceremony. Prof. Li Jun and Mr. Liu Zhen delivered speeches on behalf of Tsinghua and Nokia, expressing the hope that more collaborative projects could be conducted and that more academic exchange activities could take place to take advantage of the supporting multi-disciplinary research platform provided by RIIT.
A symposium was held after the ceremony, during which Prof. Shi Yuanchun, Prof. Niu Zhisheng from Tsinghua University, and Dr. Yang Hao, Dr. Zhu Houdao and Dr. Cao Huanhuan from Nokia Research Institute gave keynote speeches on topics including future mobile service technology and internet technology.