201012-Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Delegation Visits Tsinghua

On October 13 a delegation led by Tomihisa Ikeura (Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation), and Kizou Shibata (President of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group, Science and Technology Research Center. Inc.), visited Tsinghua University. Zhang Huatang, Deputy Director of the Office of Scientific R&D welcomed the delegates and gave an outline of scientific research and cooperation between Tsinghua and Japanese enterprises. The guests from Mitsubishi Chemical introduced the business and R&D of Mitsubishi Chemical, and expressed their hope to establish a cooperative partnership with Tsinghua.
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation includes Mitsubishi Chemical, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Mitsubishi Plastics and Mitsubishi Rayon. It ranks 6th in chemical industrial enterprises worldwide. Its markets include functional commodities, healthcare, chemicals and polymers. After the meeting the Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation delegation visited the macromolecular laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering of Tsinghua University.