201012-Sino-Japanese Energy-saving and Environmet Protection Seminar Held

The 5th Sino-Japanese Energy-Saving and Environmental Protection Seminar, co-organized by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Japan-China Economic Association, the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), and the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China was held in Tokyo on October 23-24. Zhang Xiaoqiang( Vice Chairman of the NDRC), Jiang Yaoping( Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce) and  Cheng Yonghua( Chinese ambassador to Japan) delivered speeches at the opening ceremony of the forum. At the meeting a total of 33 energy-related agreements were signed. Ma Jun, Director of Overseas R&D Management Office of Tsinghua University, and Cai Ningsheng, Deputy Head of the Department of Thermal Engineering of Tsinghua University attended the forum and signed three collaborative agreements with Toshiba in the fields of carbon capture at power plants, water treatment, and smart grid technology.