201012-Tsinghua-Hitachi Framework Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony

On December 3 a signing ceremony was held at Tsinghua University for the Tsinghua-Hitachi framework cooperation agreement. Yuan Si, Vice President of Tsinghua University, and Shigeru Azuhata, Vice President and Executive Officer of Hitachi, attended the ceremony and signed the agreement.
As a multi-national company, Hitachi Corporation is dedicated to providing world-leading products and solutions for its customers, and is well-known for its achievements in the fields such as IT, infrastructure, and materials. Hitachi and Tsinghua have long maintained a close partnership in research collaboration. In recent years, the partnership between Tsinghua and Hitachi has been strengthened and many achievements have been made through the establishment of joint research institutes, such as the Tsinghua-Hitachi IT Joint Research Laboratory and the Tsinghua-Hitachi Via Laser Laboratory.
Through this new framework cooperation agreement, Tsinghua and Hitachi hope to expand the scope of research cooperation to new areas and to introduce new patterns of cooperation, such as student internships and researcher exchange studies. The cooperation agreement marks a new phase of bilateral cooperation between Tsinghua and Hitachi.