201103-Visit to Toshiba

Jan. 26, 2011, a group led by Mr. Yuan Si, Vice President of Tsinghua University, including Mrs. Ma Jun, Director of the Overseas R&D Management Office, and Mr. Li Bing, Deputy Secretary-General of Foundation, paid a visit to Toshiba, a partner company and an overseas member of UICC (University-Industry Cooperation Committee). Mr. Ichiro Tai, Vice President of Toshiba, had a talk with Mr. Yuan Si. Mr. Yuan Si firstly thanked Toshiba for its support in terms of scientific research, personnel fostering, etc. On behalf of the university, he also invited the senior leaders of Toshiba to the activities of the Centenary Celebration of Tsinghua University, and expressed the will of further cooperation. Mr. Ichiro Tai highly praised the success achieved in cooperation with Tsinghua, and said that he would spare no effort in supporting the cooperation and work hard for the department-to-university-upgrade of the joint research institute before the anniversary of the university.