201012-The 1st Steering Committee Meeting of Tsinghua&Veolia Research Center

On November 19 the 1st Steering Committee Meeting of the Tsinghua University-Veolia Environment Joint Research Center for Advanced Environmental Technology was held in Paris, France. Philippe Martin (Veolia Senior Vice President of Research and Innovation), Jorge Mora (CEO of Veolia-China), Michel Dutang (Veolia Director of R&D),  Yu Gang (Head of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University), and Ma Jun (Director of Overseas R&D Management Office of Tsinghua University) participated in the meeting.
Ma Jun gave an introduction to the management system and the operation patterns for joint research institutions. The committee heard and highly praised the annual report for the center and the plan for the coming four years. It was also decided that the steering committee should meet every half a year.