On April 2, the Ninth Steering Committee Meeting of Tsinghua University - Toyota Research Center was held in Beijing. The steering committee members, who are Kang Kejun, Vice President of Tsinghua University, Jiang Peixue, Executive Deputy Director of the Office of Scientific R &D, Ma Jun, Director of Overseas R&D Management Office, Zhen Shuning, Deputy Director of Research Organization Management Office as well as Vice President of Toyota Mr. Takeshi Uchiyamada,Managing Director of Toyota Mr. Masuda Yoshihiko and Mr. Suzuki Shigeki, Deputy Director of Toyota Motor Technical Center (China) Mr. Esaki Masataka, took part in the meeting.

The meeting was hosted by Jiang Peixue. As the chairman of the meeting, Kang Kejun delivered the welcoming speech. Professor Hao Jiming, Director of the Center reported to the steering committee on research achievements in 2009. The steering committee gave positive feedback on the report, and discussed and approved projects to be carried out in the year 2010. Both Kang Kejun and Mr. Takeshi Uchiyamada gave a high degree of recognition on the work of the Center and expressed the hope that the research achievements of the past five years can be built upon so that Tsinghua and Toyota could strengthen their cooperation further in coming years.