Corporate Technology

With approximately 2,800 employees worldwide, Corporate Technology (CT) is a worldwide network of experts and a powerful innovation partner for Siemens’ business units. CT plays a key role in R&D operations at Siemens.
As an integrated technology company, Siemens always takes innovation as its top priority. The Chief Technology Office (CT O) at Siemens is at the heart of the innovation network. The main responsibility of CT O include exploiting possibilities to develop technological synergies beyond individual operation units - within the Siemens Sectors and between them; analyzing the companies technological foundations and generate powerful momentum for improvement; and creating open innovation networks all over the world.
Siemens Ltd., China, Corporate Technology (SLC CT)
Corporate Technology of Siemens Ltd., China was established in 1999. Now more than 200 researchers are working in SLC CT innovation labs in Beijing and Shanghai. The mission of SLC CT is to develop unique innovations for Siemens business in China and worldwide. Siemens has been actively reaching out to China’s leading universities and has established numerous co-operations for mutual benefits. In 2008 Siemens signed Center of Knowledge Interchange (CKI) Framework Agreements with both Tsinghua University and Tongji University in China. The CKI relationship is the highest level of R&D cooperation with university for Siemens worldwide. For more information about Siemens CT please click here.